The Importance of Gratitude: How to Develop a Gratitude Mindset

Mark Pettit
7 min readSep 2, 2020
A lady with a gratitude mindset expressing gratitude. Image Alora Griffiths @Unsplash

Developing a gratitude mindset is a simple process but it takes a consistent gratitude practice to reap the true benefits of being grateful.

Let’s start with the basics. A person with a gratitude mindset focuses on the limitless opportunities available in business and life. They choose to focus on abundance, rather than scarcity.

By being grateful, and expressing thanks daily, people with a gratitude mindset have more abundance, are happier, are more productive and are focused on growing daily

Developing a gratitude attitude brings more gratitude into your daily life and amplifies your feeling of positivity and appreciation for everything you have in your life.

Developing a gratitude practice

Engaging in a regular practice of gratitude can change your mindset, self-confidence and perspective for the better if you focus on being thankful and thinking positively. Gratitude shifts your mindset. It can help you experience greater levels of growth, happiness, positivity and joy, whilst experiencing less stress, overwhelm and negativity.

It’s easier than you think to develop a gratitude mindset and build daily habits that support a practice of gratitude and being grateful and appreciative for what you have. When you engage in a regular gratitude practice of appreciating the things you have, the things that you appreciate grow. A gratitude mindset can change your perspective on where you are right now, and where you’re going in the future for the better.

An attitude of gratitude amplifies abundance

Gratitude creates an abundance mindset, rather than a scarcity mindset, as you are focused on appreciating and expanding what you have. Someone with an abundance mindset focuses on the limitless opportunities they have available, by focusing on the things they have, and the things they’re grateful for.

A gratitude mindset can help you feel happier and more positive about your life, instead of worrying, feeling stressed and frustrated with where you are. It is possible to cultivate a gratitude mindset that will create huge benefits every day if you can stick with a daily gratitude practice.

Expressing gratitude can lead to more creativity, more joy, increased happiness and a focus on appreciating everything in your life.

In this article I’ll share 6 ways to develop a gratitude mindset, or attitude of gratitude, to help you identify and amplify the things you are most grateful for.

By engaging in a regular practice of gratitude, where your world is full of possibilities, you will shift to a mindset of gratitude where you always appreciate what you have and what is available to you in the world.

The benefits of practising gratitude

The benefits of practising gratitude are infinite. People who regularly practice gratitude, by taking the time to be grateful and thankful every day, are more positive, appreciative and happier.

When you have a gratitude mindset focuses you focus on the limitless opportunities available in business and life, because you already appreciate what you have. When you are grateful you choose to focus on the positive things in life rather than the negative things.

Engaging in a daily gratitude practice can bring so many benefits into your business and life. Gratitude can change your perspective and daily actions to one of positivity, appreciation and being thankful for what you have.

People with a gratitude mindset are focused on growth in every aspect of their business and life. They are happier, more creative and focused on expanding the things that are good in their life. As a result of appreciating and expressing gratitude for what they have they attract greater opportunities, people and creativity into their lives.

Benefits of a gratitude mindset

There are numerous benefits of having a gratitude mindset. Being grateful shifts your mindset and strengthens everything that is important to you. When you enter into a gratitude practice, being grateful narrows your focus to what matters most and expands your appreciation for the people in your life.

When you express gratitude to someone, the value of that person grows and expands in your mind.

Here are 9 benefits of gratitude:

  • Gratitude amplifies feelings of happiness
  • Being grateful makes you feel more positive and confident
  • Gratitude ensures you are present with the people that matter most
  • Being grateful enhances your experiences
  • Gratitude helps you deal with adversity and setbacks
  • Being grateful builds stronger relationships
  • Gratitude can improve your health and overall wellbeing
  • A practice of gratitude enhances your feelings of joy and satisfaction
  • Being grateful makes you more compassionate and helpful

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The importance of a gratitude mindset

Someone with a gratitude mindset appreciates everything in life, whether that be their relationships, their health, their business, and their overall sense of well-being.

The important thing about having a gratitude mindset is that it shifts your focus from yourself onto appreciating someone else or something else.

Gratitude is linked to experiencing greater levels of happiness. Expressing gratitude can help you feel better and more self-confident because your mindset is focused on appreciation and being thankful. Being grateful every day can change your life because your first thought is one of gratitude rather than negativity.

6 ways to develop a gratitude mindset

Here are 6 ways to develop a gratitude mindset.

1. Measure your progress

People with a gratitude mindset appreciate the improvements and progress they make every day. They use measurable goals to guide their thinking and actions.

Every step forward and improvement achieved is a cause for gratitude and appreciation. When you have an attitude of gratitude you are always measuring backwards from a specific starting point. This ensures you feel positive about your progress and achievements, rather than fixating on how far you are away from something.

This gratitude focus builds confidence, motivation and momentum. When you focus on gratitude you are always succeeding, improving or learning.

There is no losing.

2. Express gratitude for three things every day

There are many things you can be grateful for in life. But often we express gratitude and appreciation on occasion.

Developing a gratitude mindset ensures that active gratitude becomes an essential part of your daily life.

When we appreciate things their value grows. If we express gratitude daily, it becomes a habit. We start looking for new ways to express our appreciation and gratitude.

A fantastic gratitude practice is to write down three things you are grateful for or appreciate every day, even if you’ve had a bad day. This could be in a notebook, a gratitude journal or just on post it notes.

This might seem difficult at first, but you’ll notice after a few days it gets easier to identify and express gratitude for those three things.

3. Begin everything with gratitude

People with a gratitude mindset start everything from a place of gratitude. When you start from a place of appreciation, the thing or person that you’re appreciating increases in value.

When you start your day from a place of gratitude for what you have, you feel more positive, motivated and confident.

Meetings are so much more productive and energised when everyone starts the meeting talking about something they appreciate, or that went well.

It doesn’t matter what it is, if you can pause and take a moment to appreciate something in the moment it’s value grows. The experience becomes greater. Everything becomes more vivid.

The next time you are about to do something or meet with someone, list three things you appreciate about the situation or person. This will make you feel far more positive and thankful.

4. Start with a gratitude mindset to reframe your present

A gratitude mindset starts with appreciating what you have and where in your life you are right now. Having present moment gratitude means you are fully aware of the moment and are choosing to express gratitude.

When you have gratitude for the present moment you can reframe how you think about your present circumstances. Instead of being negative about failures, the past or what you haven’t achieved, you reframe your mindset to a focus on what you have and what you’ve achieved.

This makes you feel more positive and confident. When we feel more confident we can take the decisions, communications and actions to create the bigger future we want.

Living in the present moment, and being intentional about that moment, can transform your life.

5. Express gratitude for the people that matter most

Gratitude can change your life if you appreciate what you have rather than what you don’t have. Developing a gratitude mindset amplifies your appreciation for the people that matter most in your life.

The value of those people, and their appreciation of you, grows if you take the time to express gratitude.

If you choose to focus on, and appreciate, the people that matter most to you their value grows. They will feel more positive emotions towards you and build stronger relationships with you.

But gratitude is different from a simple thank you. Active gratitude is about choosing to express appreciation to the people that matter. It is also about creating a space for them to express gratitude for what matters most to them.

6. Start with intentionality

Practicing intentional gratitude can transform your life. Some people are grateful because they think they have to be, rather than choosing to be.

Intentional gratitude is about choosing to express gratitude and appreciating the things you have and the people that matter most.

When you consciously choose to do something because you want to do it, your gratitude becomes more powerful, and the effect on others multiplies.

When you are intentional about gratitude, you develop a daily gratitude practice of appreciating the good things, both big and small, then consciously expressing gratitude for them.

By being intentional, and creating a daily gratitude habit of being thankful, you will feel happier, more excited and more motivated.


A gratitude mindset can change your life. When you express gratitude and appreciation you are focused on what you have rather than what you don’t have.

People who regularly practice gratitude are happier and experience more positive progress in their business and life.

Hopefully these tips will help you start or expand your own gratitude mindset.

This article was originally published at Lucemi Consulting.

Read more on developing an attitude of gratitude.

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Mark Pettit

Time Management Coach and Business Coach. Founder of time management coaching company Lucemi Consulting.